Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hello! So I've been working on trying to make a blog where I can post larger images. I think I have it figured out....*crosses fingers*....if I don't then I will pack up and move on back to this address. But for now please click the picture below to come with me to the new Le Petit Poulet.

I would love for you to change your bookmarks and join me!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If you come to my house and I'm playing with my camera......

You will get your picture taken!!
I like to call these pictures "Ode to Vanessa and G".
As I mentioned before my beloved 30D and fancy dancy lens are off to parts unknown to be repaired. It's a little strange to have your camera sent away with no word from anyone on how it's doing or when it will be feeling better. Sort of like sending away your troubled kid to a wilderness program or something.
My first thought upon the cameras departure was "OOOOOH I guess I need to buy a backup camera. The backup camera shall be bigger and shinier with more bells and whistles so that it will eclipse the current camera therefore sending the 30D to backup status whilst the new camera sleeps on a satin pillow beside me!!!!!" Mwahahahahaha. And then as the days rolled by I remembered "oh yeah....I have a backup camera....where is that thing?" So I dig out my Rebel. Not the new fancy Rebel but just the happy go lucky Rebel that I once used for everything including photoshoots.
It wasn't bigger and shinier than the 30D and it's bells and whistles were not as loud and ringy dingy (did I just say ringy dingy??) but it was once a great camera that took excellent shots and warrented a place on that fictional satin pillow....but instead it had been tossed on the shelf and left for dead.
So I dusted it off and tried to remember how it worked!
The first day I was playing with it in the yard with Little One when G arrived home from her playdate with her bestest buddy G and her mom Vanessa.
They ran around and played as I tried to coerce them into looking my way for some pictures. Vanessa's G gave me that look she always gives me....that "lady you are nuttier than a fruitcake" look.
I love how these pictures turned out. Vanessa is one of the most awesome people I have ever known. She is bold and hilarious and is in the process of writing a book which I have been lucky enough to talk her out of a rough draft to read!
She was unfortunate enough to have befriended me right before I got pregnant and to her credit stuck by me through the horror of the Barf-O-Rama, HemorrageFest 08' and beyond.
She is an awesome mother to her G who is wonderfully unique which is why my G and myself love to have her around! And c'mon look at that kids eyes and lips....I've wanted to take some fancy pics of her since the first time G brought her home to play!!!
I have to say, after the last post and comments it is true. My friends are my sisters that I never had and always wanted and I'm grateful for all of you!!
(and if you come to my house and I have the camera out be prepared. I will take your picture and I will make an ode to you too!!!!)
p.s. Please people save your pennies and don't feel like you have to have the biggest and brightest and most expensive camera. Learn to use the one you have and you'll be taking amazing shots that you can hang on your walls in no time!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Missing You....

This week is the first week that G is going to school all day. I have suffered over this (just ask anybody I blah blah blahed to about it over the last few months). I wasn't ready for her to go...I'm still not. Time is flying by so fast and no matter how hard I try to grab it and wrestle it to the ground forcing it to stop, it won't. She just keeps growing....getting smarter and funnier and more incredible.
I can't believe I have a seven year old, how did that happen?
Well, I guess I know how it happened!!
I know that Little One misses her too. Today she heard the sounds of kids on the street outside and ran to her window. She thought maybe her sister was coming home..."not yet" I tell her "not for a few more hours."
It seems so weird without her crazy laughter in the house all day. It seems weird to not run into her in all the usual places as the day ticks hear her playing petshop in her room or coming out to tell me one of her jokes where the punch line never quite makes sense!
When she came home today Little One couldn't keep her hands off of her.
We were sitting in the yard, where I was trying to figure out how to use my old camera again while my beloved 30D is in the repair shop.
I could hardly pry them apart long enough to take any pictures so I just started snapping away at what I could get.
Makes me wish I had one too :)