Thursday, May 29, 2008

Looks Like a Storm's a Brewin'

This storm was amazing! It came rushing in out of the blue, darkening the sky to almost black as loud rolling claps of thunder hammered the sky. I ran outside into the downpour with my camera to try and catch it as it began to roll through. Within minutes the rain was coming down so fast I couldn't see the neighbors across the streets houses, and then came hail that soon slushed up and was coming in slurpee like quantities down the drainpipes! Yummmmmmmm....Slurpees.

(*be sure to say the title post with a thick New England accent....such as the people use in the movie "The Perfect Storm". For some reason I always have to do this when a storm blows in!)


Annemarie said...

This is the kind of storm that used to make my stomach churn in my last house. Somehow a good portion of that rain always made it into my basement. I was actually able to enjoy this one a little!

Carin Davis said... these!
great job grabbing the camera!