This storm was amazing! It came rushing in out of the blue, darkening the sky to almost black as loud rolling claps of thunder hammered the sky. I ran outside into the downpour with my camera to try and catch it as it began to roll through. Within minutes the rain was coming down so fast I couldn't see the neighbors across the streets houses, and then came hail that soon slushed up and was coming in slurpee like quantities down the drainpipes! Yummmmmmmm....Slurpees. (*be sure to say the title post with a thick New England accent....such as the people use in the movie "The Perfect Storm". For some reason I always have to do this when a storm blows in!)
This is the kind of storm that used to make my stomach churn in my last house. Somehow a good portion of that rain always made it into my basement. I was actually able to enjoy this one a little!
I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, enthusiastic dreamer with a love of the written word. I crave the companionship and laughter of my girls, the wonderfully gummy smiles and smooches of my son and music which is like the water I need to live. I heart chocolate, and stripes and have an unhealthy fear the unknown. I worry about random explosions that could be lurking around any corner and think too much for my own good.
My camera calls out to me on a daily basis "you must take pictures...", if I had a tattoo it could very well read "SHOES GLORIOUS SHOES" in honor of my footwear obsession, and the mere mention of clothes shopping brings a twinkle to my eye.
My husband is my best friend my children my soulmates.
This is the kind of storm that used to make my stomach churn in my last house. Somehow a good portion of that rain always made it into my basement. I was actually able to enjoy this one a little! these!
great job grabbing the camera!
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