Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So last week I took the lovely glucose test for gestational diabetes. Those of you who are mothers or in the process of being of mothers know the wonderful test I speak of.....where they give you a drink, a drink that appears to look refreshing but is secretly akin to drinking a big pot of Kool Aid made with half the water but the same amount of sugar and Kool Aid powder. You can't eat after you have consumed this drink, then you run off to the doctors office for them to take your blood one hour after you have finished the drink.
Being the gag, sick, vomiter that I am this pregnancy I instantly felt the need to hurl once I had finished the drink. I grabbed a bucket to take with me in the car and headed to my appt. In addition to the pukey feeling it also makes you feel like you have the jitters, I am assuming it has something to do with the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF SUGAR in the drink. When I got home I was sick for the rest of the day.

Then yesterday came the dreaded call:
Nurse: "Hi Susan, I called to tell you that you failed the glucose test."
Nurse: Yup. Normal levels are 126, you were 179....so you failed it by quite a large number.

My reaction is due to the fact that I failed this same test with Little One so I know the drill. I have to go and do the same test only this time for THREE HOURS....where I alternately drink the coma inducing sugar drink and then have my blood drawn over a period of three hours. I have to fast from the night before and cannot eat until the test is over. Those of you who have sick pregnancies know that the prospect of this is HORRIBLE. I woke up this morning and first thing started dry heaving. How on earth will I not eat and then go three hours chugging that drink and having my blood drawn? I assume I will accomplish this with a large barf bucket beside me!

When I did the test with Little One I was not quite as sick as I am this time around. One of my favorite memories of the test before was right around the two hour mark I started feeling like I was hallucinating from the sugar and lack of food in my system. I was two steps away from my own psycadelic Woodstock re-enactment in the lobby of the lab.

This time I fear I may be puking too much to put on a show?

I have to say I'm slightly worried this time around because I am so far off of the mark. With Little One I was borderline and ended up passing and did not have to do treatment for gestational diabetes. With the Rex-inator I am waaaaaaaaaaaaay off which is somewhat alarming.

And no....for those of you that think this is due to my consumption of my cinnamon heavens (see last post) it isn't!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh susan, i am not even pregnant, and I feel nauseous for you! Ack, good luck...

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

Thanks sweet Lisa :)

Annemarie said...

AGHHHHH! I HATE that drink with a passion. I had friends whose doctors let them eat a king size candy bar for that test...my doc said "NO"...good luck!!!

The Peach.... said...

Ok, I am so sorry! I had to do that test with Wesley and I DID puke. I had to restart the test! And my head started spinning and I hit the arm rest. Then it turned out negative. All that for nothing. I'm so so so so so sorry. Call me if you need support. We can chat Thurs. night. I'll see you there at digi night.

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That was my response to Ad. Our pregnancies have been so freaking similar that now I just know there is going to be puking involved! And to have to START OVER. Starting to feel faint right now.....*head hits keyboard*

Unknown said...

Susan - - that SUCKS, I feel your pain! I did the three hour with #2 and found it totally nauseating. You're going to hate me for this...but I don't get morning sickness and I STILL wanted to blow giant chunks. Is that the proper spelling for chunks?

I'm not sure why there isn't some other way to do the damn thing besides the sugar torture. Good luck, may the force be with you...and if you throw up, make sure you do it SMACK in the middle of the waiting room so they have something to remember you by :)

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

Oooooooooooooh Ally
not good news, but I fully
believe in full disclosure, I
would rather be prepared for
the barfness than go in there
thinking it will be roses and
sunshine and then hurling on
my shoes!
Obi Wan I will use the force
wisely and also I will take
into consideration the mess I could
cause for these people if they make
it unpleasant! mwahahahaha

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

Yummmmm giant candy bar much
better than stinkin' sugar drink.
And at least you feel like a snicker really satisfies instead of
sugar water....not so much satisfying as it is vomit inducing.

carin davis said...

you need/deserve a day at a spa!!!!